
BELZONA® 5000 Series
For protection from physical, chemical, or bacterial attack in a diverse range of environments

Belzona® 5111 Ceramic Cladding
Chemical and abrasion Resistant coating

Designed for long term protection of surfaces against physical, chemical, or bacterial attack, this product provides a coated surface which is extremely hard, durable, chemically resistant, yet flexible and easy to clean by a wide variety of cleaning agents. Belzona 5111 protects a wide variety of surfaces including:

  • Aluminum
  • Brick
  • Iron/Steel
  • Masonry/Stonework
  • Plaster/Drywall 


3,35 l


USDA, Rhode Island Department of Transportation

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Belzona® 5131 EG-Cladding
Long term water / weather-proof coating


Used successfully to provide outstanding protection to the exteriors of almost all types of buildings and structures, this product gives seamless thermal barrier ideal for water and weatherproofing. Belzona 5131 is suitable for use on porous and non-porous substrates including:

  • Brickwork
  • Asbestos cement
  • Stonework
  • Render
  • Coated steel
  • Corrugated iron
  • Existing painted surfaces, including bituminous treatments


19 l



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Belzona® 5231 SG-Laminate
For protection and sealing of concrete floors


A hi-build floor coating system incorporating non-slip aggregate, this product has been developed for the protection and heavy duty sealing of industrial/commercial concrete floor areas. This tough, solvent-free coating system provides an aesthetically pleasing semigloss appearance that is easily cleaned while also offering the added advantage of excellent chemical resistance.


4 l



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Belzona® 5811 Immersion Grade
High performance coating for long term protection of metallic and non-metallic surfaces

Belzona® 5811 (Immersion Grade) is a two component system applied by brush or spray for protection of metallic and non-metallic surfaces operating under immersion conditions in contact with aqueous solutions and aggressive chemicals.

Belzona® 5811 (Immersion Grade) provides outstanding protection from the effects of salt water, acid, alkali, alcohol, hydrocarbon and the environment. Protection that is long lasting and economically sound.

4 l, 16 l


USDA, Rhode Island Department of Transportation, Paper Board Industries Co.

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Belzona® 5891 HT Immersion Grade
For corrosion protection of surfaces subject to hot aqueous and hydrocarbon immersion

Corrosion of metal surfaces caused by exposure to hot aqueous solutions is a common problem faced by many industries. Although the correct choice of metal at the outset could alleviate many of these problems, the fact is plant and equipment is often used in situations not originally intended or anticipated.

The ever increasing demand for higher production rates, greater throughput and time savings often sees plant operating temperatures raised in an effort to speed up processes. Whatever the reason, there is an increasing demand for in-situ applied coatings for corrosion protection from hot aqueous and/or hydrocarbon solutions.

4 l, 8 l


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